Thursday, December 08, 2005

Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0

I recently attended a user-group meeting hosted by our vendor and they showed us v9.0. I would say there's not much to expect since 8.0 in terms of functionality. Most of the investment were put to technology and I'm very excited with this version. I like the role-based home pages because it's customised or personalized. There are 21 templates available from Accounting/HR/Production/Purchasing/Operations/IT Managers to Dispatcher, Bookkeeper and even Order processor. Other features I'm looking forward includes Metrics in the home pages, KPIs, SQL Reporting Services and SQL 2005 Password Policies. For detailed information on the features I just mentioned, please open the link below and this would open the Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 homepage then to the Feature of the Day pages:

Digital Transformation unleashed

You're the CIO/CDO sitting in your weekly update executive meeting with the CEO, CFO, COO, and others. You start the meeting with the pr...